Why You Need a Family Attorney

There are several reasons why it is important to have a family attorney.  In today’s litigious society, even regular families can benefit from having a lawyer on hand.  There are many instances where something needs to be reviewed, or people simply need advice and a local lawyer can help. We work with individuals and families that need assistance with the following:

  • Drafting Wills.  It is important to have a will on file as you never know when one will be needed.  This becomes increasingly important when you have children and your assets begin to grow.  If you don’t have a will, you will be unable to control how your assets are disbursed.
  • Reviewing Contracts.  An attorney should review any contract that your family enters into.  This may include starting a new business, investing in a company, loaning someone money or receiving a loan, or buying property.  By reviewing contracts, we can include provisions that protect your rights and ensure that if something goes wrong, your family isn’t exposed.
  • Prenuptial Agreements.  If you, or your family, has significant assets it may be wise to have a prenuptial agreement signed when someone in the family marries.  While this may seem uncomfortable, it is better to protect yourself in the long run.  As your family attorney, we can handle the details.
  • Divorce Attorney.  Many marriages end in divorce.  Why this happens is not as relevant as what you do once you and your spouse have decided to split up.  This is one of the most difficult and most important times in your life.  How your divorce case is handled will dictate your future.  Your finances, business, property, and children will all be impacted.  If, at all possible, it is best to consult an attorney as soon as you start thinking about divorce.  This way you can start strategizing and planning for the win.
  • Custody Battles.  Even after your divorce has been finalized, you or the other party, can go back to court over custody arrangements.  This includes changing the parenting schedule and adjusting child support.  Many people make the mistake of thinking that once their divorce is over, they are free from court battles.
  • Civil Claims.  If you have been injured in a car accident, had a slip and fall injury, or have a claim you want to file against any third party, we can assist you.  We can recommend the best course of action and work on your behalf to settle the matter quickly and efficiently.

As a family attorney, we are able to handle a large variety of legal problems that may come up over the course of your lifetime.  You never know when Junior next door may get hurt while swimming in your pool or when you will have a property dispute.  These minor things are difficult to expect or plan for.  When you have an attorney on hand, you can send any legal matters to us, and we will start working on them immediately.  If you don’t already have a family attorney, time will be wasted interviewing people.  That is why we recommend setting a consultation appointment to learn more about our practice and how we can help to protect your family, even if there is no current legal need.  Our job is to keep you safe and do what is in your best interest.  Call us today to learn more.

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