Protect Yourself and Your Business with Help from a Business Lawyer

Consider the need for a business lawyer in much the same vein as a sick person would consider going to the doctor. If you have an emergency, you are not going to hesitate to call your doctor. In a similar manner, if you have a business lawsuit filed against you, you should not hesitate to pick up the phone and call our office immediately. People who run businesses understand they are prone to all kinds of situations where they could find themselves involved in litigation and we are here to help when it happens.


In dealing with any kind of contracts, no matter how big or small, there is always potential that you may be sued or have to sue for a breach of contract. If you have employees, there is always a chance of lawsuit or a tangle with the Department of Labor & Industries that will require the services of a business lawyer. If you are a single person shop, that does no business involving contracts, you may still accidentally spill coffee on a customer, which can result in a lawsuit. In other words, if you are a business of any magnitude you are going to need the services of a business lawyer at one point or another.

The highway to business success is littered with failed businesses, that assumed they did not need a business lawyer early on in the game. This is a mistake that we highly recommend you do not duplicate. There are going to be situations in any business that are going to require the expertise, and services, of a business lawyer and it is best to have a relationship established from the get-go. A mistake in any of these areas can cost you and your business partners some serious money. Mistakes have also been known to put businesses out of commission indefinitely. Some great examples of when you may need a business lawyer include:


A business lawyer will be useful during the process of creating special allocations for profits and losses in your partnership or LLC agreement. Anytime you deal with the structure and foundation of your company’s core structure, it is best to have your business lawyer engaged so that any mistakes do not turn into disputes later on. This is even more necessary if you are dealing with complex tax matters, which can have the IRS breathing down your neck.


Another time that you may find yourself in need of a business lawyer is if an employee or former employee is threatening to sue you for any kind of discrimination. Anytime you face a situation where you, the business, or any of the partners in the business are facing legal action you need to get a business lawyer engaged as soon as possible.

These are only a few examples. You can call us to discuss any legal matter impacting your business and we will be happy to assist you.

NOTE: This is for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice.Criminal Defense Lawyer  >  Personal Injury Lawyer Grapevine TX

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