Hire an Immigration Attorney to Help with Your Affirmative Petition

As an immigration attorney, many of our clients have the major fear that they will be removed from American territory, also known as a deportation. This is a very legitimate fear for a non-citizen who has entered the country illegally or with a green card and has violated the laws within the United States. If you are concerned that you could face deportation, it is important that you have an immigration attorney representing you through the entire process. Very often, it can be in your best interest to file affirmative petitions before reaching this point.


When you file affirmative petitions, you are making a request prior to being told that you could be deported.  Rather than being forced to defend yourself and potentially stay in jail, you can remain free, living at home, while you seek asylum and the ability to remain within the United States.

There are a number of steps that the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) will need to go through in order to successfully complete a removal but these cannot be started while you are undergoing the process of seeking asylum. It is critical that you have the representation of an immigration attorney who understands how the laws work and can work hard to make sure you that your request is granted and you are not removed.


When you make a request for asylum by filing affirmative petitions, you will be called in for an interview.  This interview gives the authorities the opportunity to question your story and your motivation for remaining in the United States.  You should plan on being there early and allowing an hour or longer for questions, though it may not take that long. Afterwards, you will be allowed to return home or to go about your day but, you will need to return for their decision on your application.  This is often a month after your interview.

You will need to deliver a written and oral testimony so it is wise to speak with an immigration attorney in our office about how to prepare yours. Your statement must be –

  • Well organized
  • Detailed with background on your country and why it is not safe for you there
  • Easy to follow and understand

We can help you top put yours together so call our office and speak with an immigration attorney today.

If your application for asylum is approved, you will be able to remain in the United States for one year.  After that time, you will be allowed to file for permanent residency status.  This is often a good way to become a permanent resident but, again, you need to be proactive in filing for asylum, rather than waiting to have an issue with ICE and be forced to defend your status here. As long as your request is well-prepared and organized it is likely that you will be able to remain in the United States.  The key is to begin as soon as possible and to get legal help.

NOTE: This is for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice.

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