A Gun Rights Attorney Explains Your Rights

Being a gun rights attorney, we know that there is significant debate around the country about gun rights. The reality, however, remains that people still have the right to have and own a gun under the United States Constitution Second Amendment. It is also important to note that with local and state rules in place, you may face a gun-related charge if you are unaware of the kinds of laws in place in a particular jurisdiction. The one question that is not in debate, is as a legal gun owner you have the right to have a weapon as long as you are in compliance with local, state and federal statutes.


When on the wrong end of a criminal prosecution because of a gun, make sure to engage the services of a gun rights attorney as soon as possible. These cases tend to get complicated very quickly and can get worse with time. A gun case can lead to other charges if you are not adequately represented. Similarly, other charges may also bring about a gun-related charge to make the prosecution’s case more effective.


As a gun rights attorney, we tell clients they have the right to have and possess a weapon under the United States Constitution. It is also important to note that unless one commits a crime, there is suspicion of committing a crime or one is planning to commit a crime, authorities have no necessary recourse to seize a weapon without violating the fourth amendment of the constitution. The fourth amendment of the United States Constitution prevents private citizens from being targeted by government authorities who want to search or seize their personal property in the absence of a warrant.

Law enforcement can only obtain a warrant if they can display reasonable suspicion of a crime. In the absence of a warrant, and certain circumstances, there is no reason for any authorities to seize a gun.


The United States Constitution also grants citizens the right to adequate legal representation. Anyone facing accusations of a gun-related crime has the right to have a gun rights attorney from the very moment of the arrest. After being placed under arrest and accused of a gun related crime, the arresting officer must inform you of your right to representation.

Reading these rights, also known as Miranda Rights, ensure a clear understanding. The clear understanding makes it possible to properly exercise your right to legal representation.


Too many people feel intimidated when they first encounter law enforcement or worry they will face prosecution for a crime. As a result, many people feel it is in their best interest to simply confess, agree with the assessment of the prosecutor or talk too much with the police officers. Your best interests are served by exercising the right to remain silent, in other words not speak, until you have adequate legal representation in the form of a gun rights attorney by your side.

NOTE: This is for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice.

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